C1 and C2 are super important not only for what the nerves control, but also because of their proximity to the brain and brain stem. We will dive into C2 later-let's talk C1. The brainstem connects to your spinal cord. The brainstem controls all vital functions such as-modulation of breathing and heart function, consciousness, sleep, motor (movement) functions, and senses. It's kind of a big deal.

So back to C1. C1 is at the very top of your spine where the neck meets the head. It is shaped liked a ring and it's called the ATLAS. You can imagine if there is a subluxation (misalignment of the spine) at this level, how it can literally wreak havoc on your entire body!
C1 misalignments can come in a variety of forms-and oh yeah, bonus-it can happen at the same time as well. Literally wearing you out-what's the saying, TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED. Well, C1 likes to be happy, and when it's not-it can lead to your body burning out over time.
But, also, it can be a subtle ticking time bomb-Have you had decreased energy, mild to severe headaches, random heart flutters, edgy or nervousness-but why am I nervous, nothing major is happening-can't sleep well? Probably better get C1 checked.
To be honest with y'all, I spend a little more time checking C1 on everyone (even if you have foot pain. Yup, you heard me right!) because chances are-your C1 can use some improvement. Since it is involved in so many systems of your body, I look there to make sure it is functioning at its highest level. Here's the deal guys and gals, if it is not firing on all cylinders, how is it supposed to make your body work correctly? IT CAN'T!

These days, with technology, we are constantly looking down-we call it tech neck. Wow that's a story for a different day. And you'll want to pay attention to that one! But for now, just know, it can add an additional 60 POUNDS of tension on your cervical spine. S-I-X-T-Y Ya'll! Can you imagine what that is doing on C1! EEK, yes all that.
Chiropractic care can help with all this. We make sure that your body is well ALIGNED, STRONG enough and BALANCED enough to stay that way. After all, what's the point of getting better if your body just goes back to its old ways. Ummm, no thank you!
Call us. We can help you! 309-656-LONG (5664) Experience better chiropractic care.
I look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve your goals.